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Online, Hurstville, Sydney

I graduated from NBSC Manly Campus, and picked up tutoring on the side as a suggestion from my Engineering Studies teacher. Since then, I’ve grown to love tutoring, and decided to join Lee’s Mathematics Tuition as a way of pursuing further opportunity to tutor. With my free time, I prefer spending it with the boys, or going on a run if I get the chance.

In school, I was a very mediocre student throughout Year 7 and 11. The vast majority of my marks were 10-20% below the grade average (failing a few English tasks along the way). Even in maths, the only subject I knew I was good at, I was still in the bottom 4 out of 30 in the accelerant maths class until Year 11. In Year 12, I pulled my act together with a lot of focus and hard work, building good relationships with (most of) my teachers, which I found really motivated me to do well. By the time trials came around, I was 1st or 3rd in the exam for most of my subjects.


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